©studioU photography

©studioU photography



Remembering Niccole Thomas:

Hindsight is bittersweet, but all of us can agree, life teaches us lessons with moments that we can hold close to our hearts or break our hearts. Niccole was an incredibly rare individual that could relate to anyone. She knew no stranger and was always there for you when you needed. We took this trait for granted. When we heard she passed, we thought it couldn’t be true, but when it was confirmed, all of our hearts broke. Her three kids were her life. We are family and we must continue to keep her legacy going. We are accepting donations of gift cards for activities for her children. 13, 11, and 18 months. 

Education 2010 La James Grad

While color has always been my passion, cutting has become my inspiration, and makeup has always come naturally to me. I love the challenge of the total look. Bring in a picture and challenge me to go above and beyond your expectations.

©studioU photography

©studioU photography